Photo d'une personne faisan des analyse pour l'efficacité énergétique d'une maison, avec une échelle de ABCDEFG pour un CECB


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What is a

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In a nutshell:
  • Necessary for heat pump subsidies
  • Helps house owners understand how to make their home more energy efficient
  • Helps house buyers and renters understand energy needs and costs
  • Valid for 10 years
  • The official standard in Switzerland, which means transparency and comparability

Check your energy efficiency

Anyone who is interested in improving the energy efficiency of their home should consider a GEAK or a GEAK-Plus audit. A GEAK audit gives you, as property owner, an objective assessment of the energetic state and efficiency of your building. The report helps you better determine what steps and measures you could take to improve your home by, for example, changing heating from oil or gas to a much more efficient heat pump system, update your insulation, update your water heating system, and many other valuable recommendations. Most cantons also offer subsidies to cover much of the costs for a GEAK.

Save money

Changing to a heat pump or updating the insulation involves a certain investment. It is important to understand how such an investment will save you money in the short to medium term. This is why the GEAK report also contains a part relating to profitability. The GEAK is also recognized by various financial institutions, which leads to favorable terms for mortgages. And through the GEAK, the value retention of a building becomes clear and various renovation options are comparable. In addition, topics such as investment optimization and funding measures are addressed in the GEAK advisory report, which gives house owners, or potential buyers and sellers, an excellent overview of this topic.

Necessary for heat pump subsidies

If you have already decided to install a new heat pump or to do some other substantial energy improvement to your home, a GEAK report is still essential. It does not only help you in determining which heat pump is the best fit for you, but it is also needed in order to get the cantonal subsidies, which could be up to 25'000 CHF.

Benefits in a Nutshell:

  • Necessary for heat pump subsidies
  • Helps house owners understand how to make their home more energy efficient
  • Helps house buyers and renters understand energy needs and costs
  • Valid for 10 years
  • The official standard in Switzerland, which means transparency and comparability

GEAK or GEAK-Plus?


The basic product GEAK is the official energy label for every residential building and shows the energy class of the building envelope and building technology. The GEAK is based on a uniform certification procedure. The same criteria and calculation values ​​apply throughout Switzerland.


The GEAK Plus is the report created by the GEAK expert, which supplements the standard GEAK. With the GEAK Plus you will be shown three tailor-made options for energy modernization. Lower energy consumption not only saves money in the long term, but also helps maintain the property's value.

Phto d'un certificat CECB avec des analyses et calcul. conseil

Why do a GEAK with I.ON?

A GEAK evaluation can only be carried out be a certified expert. At I.ON we are proud to be able to offer our customers such certified experts to make sure you get the proper guidance from evaluation through the energy efficiency upgrade of your home.

In addition to the benefit of having all the services you need under one roof, I.ON also offers discounts to customers who, after a GEAK or GEAK-Plus assessment decide to upgrade their home with one of our heat pumps or solar systems. We also help you to find and apply for subsidies for the GEAK assessment offered in your canton.

GEAK Pricing

Single Family Home
(Max surface 300m2)
Multi family home
(Up to 10 apartments)
  • Determination of the energy label and issuance of the certificate (incl. Publication tax CHF 60.-)
  • Calculation of the energy expenditure index
  • Optimization advice
640 CHF
850 CHF
GEAK® Plus
  • Everything included in the general GEAK®
  • Renovation report, with cost calculation (implementation, energy and financial savings)
  • Calculation of the amount of any subsidies
1'650 CHF
2'300 CHF
Measurement statement (if plans unavailable)
250 CHF
350 CHF
Presentation of renovation report at home
240 CHF
240 CHF
Preparation of subsidy applications
240 CHF
240 CHF

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Frequently Asked Questions about GEAK

Here you will find some of the most commonly asked questions about our integrated solar systems. If you have more questions the button below will take you to our extended sections of questions and answers.

How long does a GEAK audit take?

Our GEAK expert needs between 1-2 hours to go through all places of your home relevant to GEAK energy efficiency evaluation.

Do I need to prepare anything before a GEAK audit?

Our GEAK expert will need access to the following documents in order to evaluate you energy situation accurately:
- Electricity bills over the last 3 years (showing not only the energy cost, but also kWh in high and low tariff.
- Oil or gas bills for the last 3 years (if applicable) with information about m3 usage for gas and liter for oil.
- Blueprints of the house with measurements (if available)
- Specifications of insulation, windows and façade (if available)
@JP - please finish list

How long is a GEAK certificate valid?

The period of validity depends on the type of GEAK document:
Age of the building                    Document type                    Validity period
Older than 3 years                      GEAK                                          10 years
0 - 3 years                                    GEAK for new buildings          10 years
Project in planning                     Temporary GEAK                      3 years

The period of validity applies as long as no significant changes are made to the building that affects the heating demand.